On our weekly shopping trips in town we would often stop at a small park.  On many occasions a beautiful little puppy would scamper over to greet us.  We would pat her belly and play with her.  We were told by locals that it had no home.  This saddened me and as time went by I found myself very concerned about this delight creature’s well being.  Gradually, it became a mission of mine to somehow help this tiny dog.

Despite feeling sick we decided on our next visit to town we would let her into my car and take her a no kill shelter some two hours away.  All went as planned and we found our new friend to be docile and cooperative.  She devoured a plate of food and happily joined us in the car.  We were nervous that she might freak out in a moving car but instead she calmly laid on my lap and seemed delighted to have some affection.


I drove to the nearest city three hours away and immediately found the animal shelter.  Unfortunately, that this was the day they closed early.  (I was actually secretly relieved – more time with the puppy!). We decided to rent a hotel room for the night.  My sweet little companion overcame some initial jitters and soon cuddled with me on the bed.

We fed and hugged her and then decided to take her on a great adventures to Arches National Park. She was also filthy so when we got her back to the hotel.  We filled up the tub and nervously put her in.  To our surprise she calmly let us soap her up.  The water quickly turned brown and a new clean puppy emerged.  We dried her off with fluffy towels and brought her back to the bedroom where she leaped around the beds,

 We cuddled her up in blankets to keep her warm.  Soon she was fast asleep with her little head on my shoulder.  I slept poorly that night because she kept snuggling up to me and licking my nose. 

Me and JJ

In  the morning we headed back  o the shelter.   The shelter staff feel under spell as well and held her and kissed her head.  I said goodbye and went to the parking and found Jonathan weeping against the car.  Our hearts were heavy on the two  hour ride home.  We weren’t sure if we did the right thing.  We wanted to adopt her but living on government land as volunteers we didn’t want to face a firing squad.  We mourned for several days. 

Now it seems a happy ending is imminent. the shelter informed me that a nice young couple is interested in adopting her.  Honestly, I don’t see how anyone could resist the cutest, sweetest, most well behaved dog in the world!

Though there have been many frustrations here in Utah, I feel happy that I have accomplished this one task, rescuing a beautiful puppy and giving her a shot at a better life.



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4 thoughts on “Dog Day Afternoon”

  1. Oh, Patricia, what a lovely story and a perfect way to help out in our society. Besides feeling good about rescuing a dog, you have made someone else feel great because they get to adopt a nice puppy they probably would have not found if it wasn’t for you!
    Bless You!

    1. Thanks Lynn. I so much wanted to keep her or bring her back to the east coast and have someone I know adopt but I am sure she is happy in her new home!

  2. Patricia, Your story about the puppy really touched my heart. I’m so happy you found a good place to take her to so she could be placed with a good family. I received my dog from my friend who could no longer take care of him and he was the best dog and lived with me for 16 years before he passed. Dogs are wonderful companions and offer the best unconditional love. I know you wanted to keep her.

    1. Thanks Shelley! I wish I could have found her a home with someone I knew in Massachusetts but like you said as long as she is in a happy home. It is relief to know she is not hungry and alone out on the streets.

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