There have been a lot of exciting developments these past two weeks – getting engaged and now heading out to volunteer at a beautiful national park in Utah for a few weeks.  What will I miss about Southern California?  Here are the highlights:

1.  Joshua Tree National Park

Joshua Tree National Park

2. Oceanside Trail Rancho Palos Verdes

Oceanside Trail

3. Red Rock Canyon

Red Rock

4. San Gabriel Mountains

Angeles Crest

5. Vasquez Rocks

Vasquez Rocks



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6 thoughts on “Escape from LA”

    1. Hi Roy. Vasquez Rocks is a small park but is something that looks out of this world. Hopefully you will get to visit it if you come back.

  1. Very nice photos! Love the pine cone “as big as your head” picture. I have been to Joshua Tree National Park and there is nothing like it. Thanks for sharing!

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