Most people are familiar with the dangers from wildlife and falls in the wilderness. But for unsuspecting guests at Yellowstone National Park being liquefied in acid is not one of them. Yellowstone’s geysers and hdyrothermals are among the park’s most intriguing draws, they are also some of the perilous.

Yellowstone protects over 10,000 hydrothermals and half the world’s geysers. Despite abundant warning signs, at least 22 people have died after slipping or voluntarily entering the deadly pools numerous more have been injured in these natural wonders since the park’s inception.

One moonless summer night, 20-year-old Sara Hulphers, a park concession employee went swimming with friends in the Firehole River. Carrying no flashlights, they assumed they were leaping into a small stream when they fell into Cavern Spring, 178 degree pool about ten-foot-deep.

Hulphers died several hours later from third-degree burns covering her entire body. Her companions survived, but the two men spent months in a Salt Lake City hospital recovering from severe burns over most of their body. While Yellowstone’s brightly colored sulfuric geysers are enticing with their stunningly beauty they are also one of the most deadly natural wonders.



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