The west coast of Florida is a wonderland of beautiful birds, flowers, and experiences, from swimming with manatees, to listening to alligator bulls calling to their prospective mates. Great photographs are found just about anywhere, but there are some places that stand out as my favorites. The Venice Rookery is one of them. Here, you can view and photograph some of the most beautiful species of birds – Great Blue Herons, Wood Storks, White Ibis and and Great Egrets to name a few. As we drove down on 41 from Bradenton, my friend Greg and I were shocked to discover this bird mecca is located within blocks of a Target and McDonalds.

The actual rookery is on an island resting on a man made pond and provides the perfect nesting spot for the birds. There is even a resident alligator that services to proect the birds, their eggs and the young from other predators such as racoons. If you are visiting southwest Florida I would highly recommend this bird oasis.
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